
Hetch Hetchy hours: As of November 1st Hetch Hetchy will be open to the public from 8am to 5pm. These hours will be
in effect until spring. Thank you. (C. Smith – 11/02/07)

Lower Pinesキャンプ場冬季クローズ

Lower Pinesキャンプ場が10月末で冬季クローズになります。
ヴァレー内ではUpper Pinesキャンプ場のみが通年営業です。
Lower Pines Campground will close for the season at noon on October 31, 2007. It’s scheduled re-opening date next
spring is March 21, 2008. (M. Carter – 10/29/07)




Reminder!!! Last chance to enjoy Chiura Obata, Art of Yosemite in the Yosemite Museum. The exhibit is up through
October 21, 2007. This exhibit explores the work of the artists Chiura Obata (1885 – 1975) who first visited Yosemite in
1927, producing watercolors that led to a series of prints made by master woodblock artists in Japan. The show
extensively covers his earliest visits during 1927-1930, but includes works produced up to 1958. This exhibit displays
over 30 woodblock prints, sumi and watercolor paintings, sketches, a well as his actual paints, brushes, and artifacts. (M.
Luchans – 10/18/07)

Tuolumne Meadows

知る限り、Tioga Roadは今月になってから、二度ほど雪で(一時)閉鎖しました。今日行ってみたら、意外にも残雪は一部の北向き斜面のみにしか見られませんでした。火事の煙も消え去り、空気はかなりクリーンでした。朝8時ごろの、TM付近の気温は氷点下数度でしたが、昼には50度近くに上がりました。さすがに岩は冷え始め、座っていると冷えてきます。明日から、Tioga Road沿いでのOvernightの駐車は不可となります(Tioga Road沿いからのBackpackingは不可)。


10月9日、North Pines, Crane Flatと Hodgdon Meadow のGroup campが営業終了となりました。Hodgdon Meadowのファミリーサイトは通年営業しています。

Campground Closures – North Pines CG, Crane Flat CG, and the Hodgdon Meadow Group campsites will close for the
season on Tuesday, October 9. Hodgdon Meadow’s family sites remain open year round on a first-come, first-serve basis.
(M. Carter – 10/04/07)


The Half Dome cables are scheduled to be dismantled for the season the week of October 15th. A crew will move to
Little Yosemite Valley on Monday, October 15th and will dismantle the cables/poles on Tuesday October 16th. The trail
to the top of Half Dome will be closed at the base of the cables during the dismantling operation. For the safety of the
crew and public, if a major winter storm is forecasted prior to October 15th, the cables will be dismantled prior to the
arrival of the storm. (J. Lopez – 10/03/07)