5月4日からヨセミテヴィレッジのミュージアムでは「YOSEMITE RENAISSANCE XXIII ART EXHIBIT」という展示が行われます。

Happening Today/This Weekend (Check the Community News section for other events)
YOSEMITE RENAISSANCE XXIII ART EXHIBIT open at the Yosemite Museum Gallery through May 4, 2008.
(Fridays through Mondays, 10 to Noon and 1 to 4 PM).
This year, from a near-record number of 465 entries, 38 paintings, photographs, sculptures and drawings by 34 artists from across the country were selected. On the evening of the opening reception, photographer Ted Orland and print-maker Tom Killion (both former Yosemite Renaissance award-winners) will select the artists who will receive the $4000 in cash awards.
This year’s exhibit is unquestionably one of the best ever mounted by Yosemite Renaissance, including a broad range of works from the representational to the abstract to the conceptual. Local artists in the exhibit include: Linda R. Abbott, Susan Bolen, Elizabeth Carmel, Michael Frye, Marian Gault, Peggy Hansen, Mark Heliger, William Neill, Penny Otwell, Jon Shiu, and Carol Rae Shockley. (B. Beroza – 2/26/08)

Badger Passスキー場情報

Badger Pass Snow Conditions:
BASE DEPTH: 22 – 34 inches
NEW SNOW (last 24 hours): 1″
SURFACE CONDITIONS: Powder/Packed Powder
FORECAST: Chance snow
TEMPS: Highs in the upper – 20s. Lows in teens.
Badger Pass is open. Food Service opens at 8:00 a.m.; Tickets, Rentals, Ski and Snowboard School, and Cross-Country
8:30 a.m.; Lifts and Sport Shop 9:00 a.m. For the most up to date snow conditions call 372-1000. (A. Catamec – 12/19/07)

Northside Drive、落石のためクローズ

18日にヴァレー内のNorthside Drive(北側道路:通常は西行き一方通行)のCamp4の西方で崖崩れによる落石があり、現在道路は閉鎖中とのこと。かわりにSouthside Driveが両面通行になっているようです。

Northside Drive will remain closed until further notice due to the 12/18 rockfall. This closure may be in effect through
the Christmas holiday due to the predicted winter storm.The rockfall, located west of Camp 4, was first heard at around
1600 but anecdotal reports indicate that there was continued activity into the night. The area is currently being monitored
by park staff. Southside Drive will continue to be accessible for inbound and outbound traffic. Please call 209/372-0200
for updated road conditions. (A. Freeman – 12/20/07)

Badger Passスキー場のオープン

Badger Passスキー場が20日から今シーズンの営業をオープンします。
Badger Pass is scheduled to open to the public commencing Thursday, December 20. Food Service opens at 8:00 a.
m.; Tickets, Rentals, Ski and Snowboard School, and Cross-Country 8:30 a.m.; Lifts and Sport Shop 9:00 a.m. For the
most up to date snow conditions call 372-1000. (A. Catamec – 12/19/07)

Tioga & Glaciar Point Road いまだオープン

12月に入りましたが、Tioga Road と Glaciar Point Road がいまだにオープンしています。