Glacier Point Road

Glacier Point Road:
The Glacier Point Road will open on Friday, May 28 at noon, conditions permitting. Expect 30-minute delays between Chinquapin and Badger Pass Sunday night through Friday afternoon (except Memorial Day).
Tioga Road:
The Tioga Road will not be open for Memorial Day weekend; there is no estimated opening date.
Plows have reached Tioga Pass and will now be working on widening the road. Plowing continues Monday – Saturday. Average Snow Depth is 4 to 6 feet. Plowing operation will continue today.

HD Trail

The Half Dome cables will not be in place over the May 28-31 permit period. Cool, wet conditions have persisted well into May, resulting in a heavier-than-usual and slowly-melting snowpack. As a result, the subdome, below the Half Dome cables, is covered in snow. A slip and fall from the subdome’s steep snowfield could cause serious injury or death. For the safety of employees setting up the cables and hikers, the cables will not be put up until conditions improve. We will monitor conditions over the next two weeks and issue an expected opening date as soon as possible. If you have a permit for May 21-23 or May 28-31, you will receive a refund.


# The Half Dome cables will not be in place over the May 21-23 permit period. Snowpack in the Yosemite high country is currently well above average (134% in the Merced River basin), with the potential for additional cool, wet weather in the next week. As a result, the Half Dome cable route and subdome are covered in deep snow, making trail conditions poor. For the safety of National Park Service employees setting up the cables and for hikers, the cables will not be put up until conditions improve. We will monitor conditions over the next two weeks and issue an expected opening date as soon as possible. If you have a permit for May 21-23, you will receive a refund for the reservation fee.
(Learn more about the Half Dome hike. Please note that permits are required to hike to Half Dome on Fridays-Sundays and holidays beginning this year.)
# The Mist Trail from near Vernal Fall Footbridge to the top of Vernal Fall (and to Nevada Fall) is open. The John Muir Trail between Clark Point and the Panorama Trail (near the top of Nevada Fall) is closed for the season.
# The Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point is closed for the season at Union Point (no access to Glacier Point).
# The southern portion of the Mirror Lake Loop is closed due to a rock fall. (Access to Mirror Lake and Snow Creek Trail is still available, as usual.) Learn more about the rockfall.
# The trail to Wapama Falls is closed to stock (but is open to hikers) beyond the Beehive junction due to a rock fall.

ヨセミテ: 5月8日

Olmsted Point。雪面の高さは2メートル弱くらい。

すでに除雪は雪崩危険地帯を突破、Tenaya Lake近くまで進んでいます。此処でNPSの職員の方に出会い、色々と聞いてみましたが、月末開通は微妙な感じでした。

Clouds RestとHalf Dome。




「ルック・アメリカンツアー」のJTB Travel Network 様が、「ヨセミテ国立公園大好き!」の2010夏シーズンのスポンサーをしていただけることになりました。


HD右側にある、垂直の崖の最高点に、Glacier Pointの展望台があります。