Yosemite Creek, Porcupine Flat, and the A-loop of Bridalveil Creek Campground (including group and horse sites) are open for the season today. (M. Carter, 7/1/09)
ヨセミテ 6月27日
Tuolumne Riverの主流が流れるLyell Canyonの最奥部。Donohue Passは左から二つ目の鞍部付近。左斜め下の黒い部分(樹林帯)はLyell Canyon、右側最高峰がMt. Lyell(13,114ft.)。尾根の裏側はSan Joaquin水系。
Lyell Canyonの前半部(下流側)。奥の山々はMt. Conness(一番高い)、White Mountainなど。右の尾根はKuna Crest。
Tuolumne River(Lyell Fork)の上流方面を望む。 TMのCGからは約3マイル地点。Mt. Lyellが見える地点まではさらに3マイルほど進む必要があります。
Tuolumne River(Lyell Fork)に架かる橋。Tuolumne Meadows Lodgeの南0.5マイル付近。奥の山はMammoth Peak。
もう夏の雰囲気のTuolumne Meadows。
Yosemite Nature Notes : Video Clip #6
Yosemite Nature Notes: New episode posted! Yosemite Nature Notes was a periodical created by park staff from 1922 until the 1980’s. Today, it’s been reborn as a web video series, produced by park videographer Steven M. Bumgardner. Episode 6: Maps has just been posted to the park website and features interviews with such Yosemite institutions as Jan van Wagtendonk and Pete Devine, and also includes new GIS Specialist Terressa Whitaker. Filmmaker Ken Burns also appears while discussing the historical context of the 1864 Yosemite Grant. www.nps.gov/yose/naturenotes (S. Bumgardner 6/24/09)
Tioga Pass Webcam回復
かなり長い間故障していたTioga Pass Webcamが動き始めました。
Mammoth Peakは、正確には写真の外側付近に見えているはずです。
(スキーで有名なMommoth Mountainとは別ものです)。
Glen Aulin HSC ・White Wolf Lodgeオープン
DNC Guest Recreation is proud to announce today June 19th 2009, the opening of Glen Aulin High Sierra
Camp and White Wolf Lodge, both in Yosemite’s High Sierra.
The Hours for the White Wolf Restaurant are,
Breakfast Hours 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Dinner Hours 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Dinner Reservations Recommended, please call 209.372.8416 (V. McMichael – 6/22/09)
ヨセミテ 6月20日
Kuna Crest越しに望むRodger Peak(左), Mt. Lyell(中央の最高峰), Mt. Maclure(すぐ右)。
手前の湖はHelen Lake(左)とSpilway Lake(右)。雪線は10,500ft強ぐらいでした。
まさにシエラの高嶺の花、Sky Pilotのつぼみが膨らんできました。あと2?3週間でピークかも。Mt. Danaの頂上付近がポピュラーな群生地帯。
Tuolumne RiverとTioga Roadの交差点付近。中央の山はMammoth Peak。
Tuolumne Meadowsはもう緑です。
Olmsted Pointでも、わずかですがPride of the Mountainが咲き始まりました。
May Lake Roadはオープン。
White Wolf and Tuolumne campgrounds OPEN
White Wolf and Tuolumne campgrounds will open today 6/19 at noon. The Tuolumne campground will all be
available on a first come first serve basis, approx. 100 sites will remain closed due to wet conditions. On July 1st 1/2 of the 304 sites at Tuolumne Meadows will be available by advance reservations only. (S. Ogden – 6/19/09)
Yosemite : free admission this weekend
The National Park Service is offering free admission to more than 100 parks this weekend.
The fee-free weekend applies to most parks that normally charge admission, including Colonial National Historical Park ( Historic Jamestowne, Yorktown Battlefield and Cape Henry Memorial). Entrance fees, which allow access for seven days, are normally $10 per adult.
Crane Flat Campground open
Crane Flat Campground will open for the season on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12 noon. The campground will
initially be open on a first-come, first-serve basis only. On July 1, one half of the campground will be open firstcome, first-serve, and one half will be available by advanced reservations (which began to be taken on February 15).
ultrarunner : Catra Corbett
Current unsupported JMT hiking record: (noresupply allowed)
2007 – Michael Popov – 4 days 5 hrs and 25 minutes at age 29
2005 – Jackie Florine 6 days, 6 hours, 23 minutes.
2004 – Reinhold Metzger, 62, Point Loma, backpacked the 211-mile John Muir Trail from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite National Park’s Happy Isles in five days, 7 hours, 45 min
2004 – Catra Corbett (dirt diva) 5 days, 15 hours, 50 minutes
2003 – Reinhold Metzger, 61, Point Loma, backpacked the 211-mile John Muir Trail from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite National Park’s Happy Isles in five days, 10 hours .
Yoyo Record:
2004 – Catra Corbett (dirt diva) in yoyoed – one way 5 days, 15 hours, and 50 minutes. Her yo yo time was 12 days, 4 hours, and 58 minutes. She did a resupply at the midpoint.
Current supported JMT hiking record:
2007 Sue Johnston age 41 in 3 days 15 hours 32minutes August
2004 Kevin Sawchuck in 93 hours and 5 minutes
2003 Brian Robinson……….4 days……7hrs…2 minutes
2003 Peter Barkwin ………..3 days…22 hrs…4 minutes
Catra Corbett, Fremont
I am 42 years old. I have been running since 1996 and running ultramarathons since 1998. I have run over 200 ultras, 51 of them 100-milers. I hold the women’s speed record on the John Muir Trail, 212 miles from Yosemite Valley to Mt. Whitney in 5 days, 15 hours and 50 minutes. I also hold the overall yo-yo record on the Muir Trail, 424 miles in 12 days, 4 hours and 57 minutes. In 2002, I ran the Marathon Des Sables in Morocco, a six-day 151-mile race through the Sahara Desert. The runners have to carry a 20-pound pack with all your gear. I was the 19th woman overall and second American woman. Also in 2002, I completed a solo 100-mile run through Yosemite with a nine-pitch rock climb called Nutcracker at mile 57 with my then-husband and noted climber Ammon McNeely. For more info, visit my website: www.trailgirl.blogspot.com.