Rim Fire

Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Saturday August 17th, 2013 approx. 03:15 PM
Location Groveland Range District, Stanislaus NF
Incident Commander Wilkins/lawshe
Current Situation
Total Personnel 4,185
Size 235,841 acres
Percent Contained 80%
Estimated Containment Date Friday September 20th, 2013 approx. 12:00 AM
2013/Sept/2 のデータをマゼンタでプロット。各方面で避難勧告解除が出始まりました。


キャンプ終了/RIM FIRE

グレイシャー・ポイントから望む「RIM FIRE」(2013.8.29 19:39)
RIM FIREの影響をもろにうけました。
8/28の正午でタイオガロード(クレーンフラット〜ホワイトウルフ)がクローズという通知があり、Tuolumune Meadowsでの日程を切り上げ、Wawonaのキャンプ場に引っ越しました。
途中、タイオガロードのすぐ近くまで火が迫っているのがみえました。(Fire Departmentが迎え火を打っていたのかもしれません)


Rim Fire(9/1)

Sierra Wildland Fire Reporting System
で、Crane Flat のヘリーポートからの写真が見れます。
8月20日9時9分までは東南東(Gin Flat方面)を向いていますが、9時20分から北西に向けられ、煙が写っています。23日にはかなりの煙が上がっています。

Crane Flat Helibaseからの写真 [okをクリック、画面が出たら日付と時間をプルダウンメニューで指定]

動員数役5千人、Containment Dateが9月20日から10月20日になったようです。
Current Situation
Total Personnel 4,995
Size 219,277 acres
Percent Contained 35%
Estimated Containment Date Sunday October 20th, 2013 approx. 12:00 AM
郡境界ははずし、120、Tioga Rdを黄色でプロット。
Crane Flat Helibaseの位置を追加。 ヨセミテバレーにはついに煙が入り、視界が落ちています


Rim Fire(8/31)

Merced、Tuolumne Glove、Crane Flat、Crane FlatからTioga Rdを4マイルほど上ったGin Flat。


Rim Fire(8/30)

InciWebページの右端中ほどにIncident Perimetersの欄があり、火災の広がりの状況がGoogleEarthで読み込め、オーバーレイできます。
以下はBofエントランス、120号とHetch Hetchyへ向かうEvergreenの交差点、
EvergreenとOld Tioga Roadの交差点、Aspen Valley、White Wolfを28日のデータとともにプロットしたものです。fire lineはおおよそOld Tioga Roadに沿っています。
[Old Tioga Road(未舗装)は、EvergreenからAspen Valleyまでは許可のある車両のみ通行できますが、そこから東側White Wolfeまでは廃道化しており、沢にかかる橋も落ちています]。
下側、小さな写真のアイコンが多く見られるところが現在のTioga Rd.が走っているあたり。緑の線はTuolumneとMariposa郡の境界(TuolumneとMerced水系の分水界)。


Rim Fire(8/29)

Update #19
Release for Wednesday, August 28, 2013/Time: 6:30 PM
Incident Statics
Acres Burned: 192,466 (301 square miles) Structures Threatened: 4,500
Containment: 30% Structures Destroyed: 111
Fire Start Date: August 17, 2013 Injuries: 4
Fire Cause: Under Investigation Total Personnel: 4,537
Cost to date: $39.2 Million
Tuolumne水系の公園西側、ヨセミテクリーク西側、Mt. Hoffmann西側は閉鎖されています。
How Do You Rate a Forest Fire?
Chris Suellentrop
Posted Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2001, at 5:03 PM ET
Most of the news stories about the 43 large wildfires in the Western United States report some level of “containment” reached by firefighters. What does it mean to contain a fire, how is the percentage calculated, and when is a fire “controlled”?
To prevent a blaze from spreading, firefighters dig a “fire line” around its circumference. If three miles of fire line have been built around a fire that is 10 miles in circumference, then 30 percent of the fire is contained.(外周10マイルの火事に対して3マイルのトレンチなどのFirelineが作られると30%conainedされたという)
Fire lines are trenches dug to create a “fuel break” around the fire. Fires need fuel, oxygen, and heat to burn, and the easiest of the three to eliminate is fuel. Fire lines can also include “natural” barriers such as roads, rock bluffs, or streams.
Once a fire is fully contained, firefighters work on “controlling” it by battling it inside the containment line. A controlled fire is one that has no risk of expanding beyond the fire line.


RIM FIRE(8/28)

ただいまTuolume Meadowsに滞在中です。
Toshiさんから投稿のあったRIM FIREですが、ここからも西方面に煙が見えており、かなり大規模です。
Beginning at noon on Wednesday, August 28, the Tioga Road (Highway 120 through the park) is closed from Crane Flat to Yosemite Creek. The only access to the Tuolumne Meadows area is via Highway 120 from near Lee Vining.
明日から、Tioga roadがクローズです。
Tuolmune Meadowsから120号で帰れません!

Rim Fire(8/27)

8月17日、GlovelandのForest Service Ranger station の北東、Tuolumne Riverの北岸付近で始まった火災は22?23日にその勢いを増し、Hetch Hetchyのダム付近まで迫ってきました。

火は、Ranger Stationの東からBOFのエントランス手前(Hetchy Hetchyへ向かうEvergreeen Rd.の手前)の間で、120号を南側に超えています。Buck MeadowsのWest Gateモーテル付近は火災から逃れているようです。
Most of Yosemite National Park is not affected by the fire and is relatively smoke-free. The northern part of the park, including some areas along the Tioga Road, has some smoke. Conditions may change if winds shift.
The Big Oak Flat Road (the continuation of Highway 120 inside Yosemite) and Highway 120 west of Yosemite are closed between J132 near Buck Meadows (outside the park) to Crane Flat Campground (inside the park). If you are trying to get to Yosemite from the west, use Highway 140 from Merced. You may also enter Yosemite via Highway 41 from the south and 120 from the east (Tioga Pass).
Hetch Hetchy Road and Evergreen Road are closed.
White Wolf is closed, including the lodge, campground, road, and trails originating from White Wolf. This area is closed due to smoky conditions.
Crane Flat, Hodgdon Meadow Campground and Hetch Hetchy Backpackers’ Campground are closed.
Merced and Tuolumne Groves of Giant Sequoias are closed so firefighters can work on preventive fire suppression efforts. The groves are not currently in imminent danger.
Wilderness trail closures: The area west of the May Lake Road and May Lake Trail continuing to the junction with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) at Glen Aulin and then north along the PCT to Bond Pass is closed. The park’s boundary serves as the closure’s northern and western edge extending south to Crane Flat Campground. The closure boundary continues east along the Tioga Road (Highway 120 through the park) to the May Lake Road. The Tioga Road and the trails serving as the eastern boundary of the closed area (including the PCT) remain open. May Lake High Sierra Camp, Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp, and Porcupine Flat Campground are open. View a map showing the closure [1.2 MB PDF].
Fire restrictions: No smoking and no building, maintaining, or using a fire, campfire or cooking fire (including charcoal fires) within the Yosemite Wilderness and potential wilderness additions. Portable stoves using gas or pressuring liquid fuel are allowed. Alcohol and Sierra stoves are not allowed. Campfires may still be used in designated campsites at designated campgrounds in non-wilderness areas within the park.
All other roads and areas are open. Yosemite Valley, Glacier Point, Wawona, Mariposa Grove, and Tuolumne Meadows areas are all open. Campgrounds in Wawona, Bridalveil Creek, Yosemite Valley, Porcupine Flat, and Tuolumne Meadows are open.
