Big Oak Flat Road 修理工事

September 4th から November 1stの間工事があり、最大20分の遅れが出るようです。
Big Oak Flat Road Chip Seal Project (September 4–November 1, 2007>>Traffic Delays)
I was just notified that the Chip Seal Project on the Big Oak Flat Road is awarded and work is anticipated to begin starting September 4th and run through November 1st, with up to 20-minute delays and 1-lane traffic control. This work is expected to continue thru November 1, 2007, unless it gets shutdown sooner due to the cold temperatures. The first phase of the work is pothole repairs, crack filling and curb repair (Anticipate 1-month) and the 2nd phase includes the placement of a double chip seal (Anticipate 1-month).
