最近G社の熊缶に関するNEWSがKings Canyon NP方面から入ってきました。
開け方を学んだ熊がいるようです。私も9月に、Yosemite(Big Oak Flat Wilderness Station)で
同様な注意をされました(この製品私も使っていますが…)。 そういえば熊技の話でも盛り上がったことを覚えています。
”On my September JMT hike, I was cautioned by the Kings Canyon rangers that a bear in the Rae Lakes/Vidette Meadow area had learned how to break into the 「製品名」 canister and had actually done so a number of times. I find it difficult to believe since I have some trouble getting it open myself! However, we dutifully put our canisters in the bear boxes at Arrowhead Lake and upper Vidette as we passed through.” from DC
”I talked to a Kings County Ranger and friend at the FS Centennial. Their feeling is it is one bear that has learned the trick of opening the 「製品名」. They theorize that the bear grips the vault and gives it a hard twist. Smart bear. If you apply the 100 monkey theory to the bears, there goes the usefulness of the vault. All the more reason to keep a constant vigual in keeping our food away from all wild critters.” from BD.
”I recently talked to a Kings Canyon ranger who mentioned this problem. To open the cannister, the top must be depressed and unscrewed, like certain childproof medicine containers. Some bears have figured out they can bounce up and down on the cannister and thereby loosen the top. After a while, the top will unscrew from this action and come off. ” from BM
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