Hitoshi について



残る営業箇所はHodgdon Meadow, Wawona,Camp 4(以上は当日先着順受付)、Upper Pines(予約あり、当日空きがあれば先着順)だけになります。

Campground Closures – North Pines Campground, Valley Backpacker’s Campground, and Crane Flat Campground will close for the season on Monday, October 9. Hodgdon Meadow Campground, Wawona Campground, and Camp 4 will remain open year round on a first come, first serve basis. Tamarack Flat and Porcupine Campground will close for the season on October 15. Lower Pines Campground will close on October 30. Upper Pines remains open year round. (M. Carter – 10/06/06)


Yosemite Association会長のSteven P. Medley氏が10月5日(木)、自動車事故で亡くなられました。55歳でした。

続きを読む →

お詫び 「Halfdome Hikers Club」

大変申し訳ありません。今シーズン始めから 「Halfdome Hikers Club」入会申し込みあてメールアドレスが無効になってしまっていました。入会登録をしていただいていたにも関わらず、サイトに反映されていない方は、恐れ入りますが再度登録フォームよりお送りいただきますよう、お願いいたします。


Yosemite Associationのメンバーシップを更新しました。(International会員。$50/年)
・YA主催「Outdoor Adventure」の参加費15%割引

Camp4−El Capitan間のシャトルサービス

Camp4からEl Campitanの麓までのシャトルサービスがあるようですね。地図には出ていないそうです。
The El Capitan Shuttle is now stopping at Camp 4 so that it can be more useable to the many climbers who stay at this campground. This stop is on the north side of North Side Drive near the old gas station area, not at the Valley Shuttle Camp 4 stop. The new stop does not show up on the maps yet, so it will be up to all of us to get the word out to visitors, especially those staying at Camp 4. Shuttles operate daily from 9 am to 6 pm, leaving every hour and half hour from the Visitor’s Center and will arrive at Camp 4 shortly after the hour and half hour. The last bus leaves the Visitor Center at 6 pm.
Since this service has been well used and the El Capitan climbing area is very popular in September, the El Capitan Shuttle has been extended through the 1st of October. It is hoped that the addition of the Camp 4 stop and the extension of service will benefit visitors as well as reduce the number of vehicles parked at the El Capitan area. Further extension to this service will be considered if ridership remains high through September. (W. Malone – 8/31/06)

El Capitan Shuttle Bus

The new El Capitan Shuttle Bus will be operating daily from 9 am to 6 pm through Labor Day (Sept. 4). It leaves the Visitor Center (Valley Shuttle stop #5) every hour and half hour with the last run leaving at 6 pm. Stops include the Visitor Center, El Capitan Picnic Area, El Capitan Meadow and the Four Mile Trailhead. Shuttles stop at designated stops only. (W. Malone – 6/29/06)