SFクロニコル紙記事「Ahwahnee Lodge: At home in nature」
SFクロニコル紙のサイトに「Ahwahnee Lodge: At home in nature」という記事が掲載されています。
ヨセミテ 10月3〜4日
火事により休止していたCrane Flatのキャンプ場は再開。10/13にクローズの予定。
White Wolfのキャンプ場は9/15でクローズとなりました。
Tamarack Flatのキャンプ場はクローズしています。
Crane Flat Campground has re-opened. It will close for the season at noon on October 13.
White Wolf Campground will close for the season on September 15.
Tamarack Flat Campground will remain closed for the season. (M Carter 9/15/09)
Big Oak Flat Road再開通
山火事のためクローズとなっていたBig Oak Flat Roadは9月8日(火)午後5時から、通行可能となりました。Tioga Roadの通行規制も解除されています。
Yosemite National Park to Re-Open Big Oak Flat Road at 5:00pm Tuesday, Sept
Yosemite National Park Acting Superintendent Dave Uberuaga announces that Big Oak Flat Road from Crane Flat to the El Portal Road will re-open at 5:00pm Tuesday, September 8.
Big Meadow Fire Update
件の山火事ですが「Big Meadow Fire」と名付けられています。
The Big Meadow Fire that started near Foresta is now 55% contained according to reports this morning. The fire is approximately 2 miles east of El Portal and has burned almost 5000 acres. Except for the Big Oak Flat Road between Crane Flat and the intersection with the El Portal Road, Yosemite National Park is open and as majestic as ever. The Association offices in El Portal, which were evacuated Friday evening, are now open. The residences in old El Portal and Foresta are still evacuated as the firefighters work to control the fire.
The National Park Service this morning (Monday, 8:00 am) reported that “the fire continues to burn actively ( a large column of smoke was visible yesterday) in the wildneress towards Tioga Road near Tamarack Flat and northwest in Upper Crane Creek drainage. Today, firefighters will continue to aggressively build indirect fire line away from the fires edge. The strategy is to use indirect fire line along with opportunities to conduct burnout operations (when conditions safely permit) to stop the forward progress of the fire. Firefighters will also continue to reinforce fire lines east of El Portal and around Foresta. No major fire activity was reported in these areas.
Due to fire operations, the Tioga Road between Crane Flat and White Wolf
may close or access may be limited at any time today. Visitors on the east side can access Tuolumne Meadows, Olmsted Point, and White Wolf. However, through travel may be limited or restricted at any time.” For more detailed information please visit the Big Meadow Fire Website, http://www.inciweb.org/incident/1869/
Tioga Roadも通行制限
Big Oak Flat Roadの火事にともなって、Tioga Roadも通行制限がかかりました。
Beginning August 31:
From Crane Flat to White Wolf: pilot car during the day; CLOSED at night.
From White Wolf to Tioga Pass: Open
Big Oak Flat road沿線で山火事
Tuolumne Meadowsでのキャンプを終えて、下山しました。(今夜はTracyに泊です)
昨日26日から、Big Oak Flat road沿線で山火事があり、CraneFratとYosemite Valley間は通行止になっています。(つまり、ヨセミテヴァレー〜タイオガロードが現在不通)
オルムステッド・ポイントからヨセミテヴァレー方面を望む。かなり煙がたちこめています。(2009/8/27 12:29pm)
Big Oak Flat roadとTioga Roadの分岐点。ここまで近づくとかなり臭いがしていました。Clane Flatのストアも閉店していました。ガソリンはクレジットカードでのみ給油可能です。(2009/8/27 1:15pm)
Road Closures: The Big Oak Flat road is closed from Highway 140 to Crane Flat and the
Foresta road into the community of Foresta. There is no estimated time for the road to reopen.
Highway 120 from Big Oak Flat entrance station is open to Crane Flat, on to Tuolumne
Meadows, and Highway 395.
The Sunrise Cafe
Tuolumne Meadowsキャンプ場に滞在しています。