10月9日、North Pines, Crane Flatと Hodgdon Meadow のGroup campが営業終了となりました。Hodgdon Meadowのファミリーサイトは通年営業しています。
Campground Closures – North Pines CG, Crane Flat CG, and the Hodgdon Meadow Group campsites will close for the
season on Tuesday, October 9. Hodgdon Meadow’s family sites remain open year round on a first-come, first-serve basis.
(M. Carter – 10/04/07)
カテゴリーアーカイブ: News
Wawona、Tuolumne Meadowsキャンプ場情報
Tuolumne Meadowsキャンプ場は9/25をもってシーズンの営業が終わり、閉鎖になっています。
Wawona Campground will return to first-come, first-serve status on Thursday, September 27, 2007. Sites will be
available by self-registration at the campground itself. Wawona Campground remains open year round, and will return to
advance reservation status on April 21, 2008. (The Wawona Group campsite remains on reservation year-round, while the
Horse Camp sites will close for the season on September 27). (M. Carter – 9/27/07)
Tuolumne Meadows Campground closed for the season on Tuesday, September 25, 2007. (M. Carter – 9/24/07)
Daily ReportのURL変更
Yosemite NPの内部広報、Daily ReportのURLが変更になっています。(pdfになりました。)
New web address for internet version of Daily Report – http://www.nps.gov/yose/parknews/upload/daily.pdf
21日付けで”Early snow surprises hikers, shuts down Yosemite pass”と題して、今回の降雪についての記事が出ていました。
Bridalveil Creek Campground と Yosemite Creekのキャンプ場が9/4で今シーズンの営業を終了しています。
Bridalveil Creek Campground and Yosemite Creek Campground will close for the season on Tuesday, September 4th. (M. Carter – 8/29/07)
ヘッチ・ヘッチーのエントランスのオープン時間が9月4日から8:00am〜7:00pmに変更になります。(3日までは7am 〜9pm)
Hetch Hetchy will be changing its hours of operation Tuesday, September 4. Gates will open to the public at 8:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call the sub-district ranger at (209) 379-1888. (M. Stansberry – 8/31/07)
NPSでは、Tuolumne RiverやTuolumne Meadowsの
You still have time to submit scoping comments for the Tuolumne River Plan and Tuolumne Meadows Plan. Submit your ideas, suggestions, and concerns to the National Park Service through September 7, 2006. Comments may be submitted in writing (as indicated at the bottom of this newsletter) or by attending a public meeting.
Remaining public meetings (4 pm to 8 pm):
August 12 Tuolumne Meadows at Parsons Lodge
August 14 Oakhurst Community Center
August 15 Sonora at Columbia College
August 17 Groveland Public Library
特にTuolumne Medows Planでは、”It will focus on the types and levels of visitor services and activities offered in the vicinity of Tuolumne Meadows. It will also delineate which areas may be targeted for restoration. ”とかなり具体的なものを求めています。コメントの結果が公表されたら面白いですね。
詳しくは http://www.nps.gov/archive/yose/enews/200608/
Weekly Bear Activity
The last few weeks we have seen bears out during the day eating apples at the orchards every day. There are bears in meadows, bears in berry bushes, and bears in the river. Most of these bears are doing natural things, but unfortunately many of these bears are eating apples or berries in the middle of parking lots or campgrounds. Also during the day, bears have been in picnic areas, attempting to scare visitors off their food. If a bear approaches you while picnicking, yell at it and make as much noise as possible to scare it away.
At night, we continue to see bears in all Valley Campgrounds. Bears have been very active breaking into cars at Yosemite Lodge, Camp 4, Curry Village, and the Ahwahnee. They are breaking for very little food, sometimes as little as a baby seat with food smashed into it. [Yosemite Lodge, Camp 4, Curry Village, and the Ahwahneeで熊の活動が活発。、また、かなり小さな食料が残っていても、熊は車を壊すようです。]
There are also bears active in Curry Village. They are obtaining trash from overflowing trash cans on a pretty regular basis. A bear also tore through an unoccupied tent cabin to obtain apples a visitor left inside. Remember to use your new bear locker and put all food and scented items inside 24 hours a day.
We are also getting reports from numerous backcountry locations, including Young Lakes, Glen Aulin, Little Yosemite Valley and Sunrise Creek on the JMT.
Bears have been active at Tenaya Lake picnic area, again trying to scare visitors off their food. They have also been very active at Yosemite Creek and White Wolf Campgrounds.
Amazing bear fact:
A common question these days with bears in the orchard is, “Will the bear fall out of the tree?” The quick answer is no. Bears are excellent tree climbers. They are very agile and can easily spend a whole day in an apple tree, alternating between eating and sleeping. Bears also climb trees to get away from something they perceive as dangerous.
8 bears have been hit by cars already this year. (S. Lisius – 8/6/07)
Colin Fletcher, March 1922-June 2007
Backpacker誌によると、Colin Fletcherが、6月12日Montereyの病院で亡くなられたそうです。85歳でした。氏は”The Thousand Mile Summer”、”The Complete Walker ”などで、米国に近代的バックパッキングを広めました。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。