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Yosemite National Park Announces Interim Program for Half Dome Day Use Permits to Address Visitor Safety

Half Dome Permits

Frequently Asked Questions about Half Dome Permits



ultrarunner : Catra Corbett

Current unsupported JMT hiking record: (noresupply allowed)
2007 – Michael Popov – 4 days 5 hrs and 25 minutes at age 29
2005 – Jackie Florine 6 days, 6 hours, 23 minutes.
2004 – Reinhold Metzger, 62, Point Loma, backpacked the 211-mile John Muir Trail from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite National Park’s Happy Isles in five days, 7 hours, 45 min
2004 – Catra Corbett (dirt diva) 5 days, 15 hours, 50 minutes
2003 – Reinhold Metzger, 61, Point Loma, backpacked the 211-mile John Muir Trail from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite National Park’s Happy Isles in five days, 10 hours .
Yoyo Record:
2004 – Catra Corbett (dirt diva) in yoyoed – one way 5 days, 15 hours, and 50 minutes. Her yo yo time was 12 days, 4 hours, and 58 minutes. She did a resupply at the midpoint.
Current supported JMT hiking record:
2007 Sue Johnston age 41 in 3 days 15 hours 32minutes August
2004 Kevin Sawchuck in 93 hours and 5 minutes
2003 Brian Robinson……….4 days……7hrs…2 minutes
2003 Peter Barkwin ………..3 days…22 hrs…4 minutes
Catra Corbett, Fremont
I am 42 years old. I have been running since 1996 and running ultramarathons since 1998. I have run over 200 ultras, 51 of them 100-milers. I hold the women’s speed record on the John Muir Trail, 212 miles from Yosemite Valley to Mt. Whitney in 5 days, 15 hours and 50 minutes. I also hold the overall yo-yo record on the Muir Trail, 424 miles in 12 days, 4 hours and 57 minutes. In 2002, I ran the Marathon Des Sables in Morocco, a six-day 151-mile race through the Sahara Desert. The runners have to carry a 20-pound pack with all your gear. I was the 19th woman overall and second American woman. Also in 2002, I completed a solo 100-mile run through Yosemite with a nine-pitch rock climb called Nutcracker at mile 57 with my then-husband and noted climber Ammon McNeely. For more info, visit my website: www.trailgirl.blogspot.com.

JMT Record Attempt (by Michael Popov)

2006年秋にAL ShaverによるJMTスピードハイクのことを書きましたが、その一年後記録が大きく書き換えられていたようです(26時間短縮)。
2007年7月末、Michael PopovとAaron Sorensenの両氏は、ビヤ樽までも持って
Mt. Whitney中腹のWhitney Trail campへと登り、そこで数日間の高度順化をしました。
そして7月30日正午、Whitneyの頂上からYosemite ValleyのHappy Isleを目指し、全長211マイルのJMTハイクを開始しました。二人は競争をするように進み、当然ペースは上がります。しかしSerensen氏は途中でリタイア、Popov氏は101時間25分(4日と5時間25分!)後、Happy Isleに到着しました。
これは二人の記録。ヨセミテの横断(Lyell Canyonの最奥-Tuolumne Meadows-Cathedral Path-Little Yosemite Valley-Happy Isle)には10?11時間程度をかけています。最後のJMTのジグザグのくだりの苦労は涙ものです。 Half Domeを上った帰りに、同じような経験をされた方もいるかも。
出発点のMt. Whitney頂上
終点のHappy Isle

June Wilderness Conditions

Trails Update:
Snow line is around 8,000 to 9,000 feet, on average.
All park trails are open, however:
* The Half Dome cables are up for the season. The cables usually remain up through Columbus Day, which is October 12 this year. (Learn more about the Half Dome hike.)
* The southern portion of the Mirror Lake Loop is closed due to a rockslide. (Access to Mirror Lake and Snow Creek Trail is still available, as usual.) Learn more about the rockfall.

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The Mist Trail is now open for the season. The “Ice Cut”, Clark Point to Nevada Fall, on the John Muir Trail is still closed due to hazardous ice build up. (K. Watson – 4/3/09)



Half Dome Cables – Last date to use the cables is October 14. Trail crew will be taking down the Half Dome cables on either Oct. 15th or 16th. The plan is to do it on the 15th, but if for some reason it takes longer it may stretch into the 16th.
(M. Marschall/J. Trust – 9/25/08)