The Division of Interpretation and Education is moving away from traditional photographic slide use and into the digital realm of Powerpoint. To that end we are surveying the majority of our traditional slide equipment including projectors, slide trays, dissolve units, etc. While we will expand our ability to assist other divisions with their digital media needs, our ability to support traditional slide shows will be greatly reduced. Should you wish to maintain your own stock of traditional slide equipment, you will be able to acquire our surveyed equipment for a limited time by contacting Raye Santos. (T. Medema - 12/20/04)
冬季にTuolumne Meadowsに駐在するパークレンジャー、Bruce and TraceyのレポートがY.A.のサイトに掲載されています。今後も定期的に更新されます。それにしてもうらやましい仕事ですね。
サンフランシスコ・クロニコル紙に「What to do with Hetch Hetchy Restore a treasure」と題してHetch Hetchy渓谷ダム の自然復元に関する、Spreck Rosekrans, Nancy E. Ryan両氏の論評が掲載されています。
12/9(木)に The Yosemite AssociationがEl Portalのオフィスでオープンハウスを行います。
Please join us for the Yosemite Association Holiday Open House
Thursday, December 9, 2004 3-6 p.m. - Stop in at the El Portal office to share some holiday cheer - Enjoy yummy snacks and hot drinks - Enter a raffle to win an Obata giclee print - Have some fun at our game table - FREE gift wrapping of purchases made during the open house - YA Members get 20% off at our warehouse that afternoon - Call 379-2646 for more information. We hope to see you there! (C. Edison - 11/17/04)
今日のSan Jose Mercury News より。
ヨセミテ国立公園に隣接する個人所有のRansome牧場(面積730エーカー)が"The Pacific Forest Trust"(サンタ・ローザに本部がある民間の環境保全団体)によって購入され、保全されることになったということです。この土地はかつてジョン・ミューアがヨセミテ国立公園の境界を提案した際に含まれていたが、木材会社のロビー活動によって除外されていたもので、「私たちはこれによって、ミューアのオリジナルのビジョンを完成させ、彼が認識した価値を回復することができる。」とトラストの会長は話しています。(要約:にしむら)
A picturesque landscape of sugar pine, incense cedar and white fir trees adjacent to Yosemite National Park's western boundary near El Portal will be protected from development under a deal announced Monday.
Owned by the same family since 1925, the 730-acre Ransome Ranch was purchased by the Pacific Forest Trust, an environmental organization based in Santa Rosa.
The property was part of the original boundaries of Yosemite that Sierra Club founder John Muir proposed in the 1880s, as Congress was first establishing it as a national park, said Laurie Wayburn, president of the Pacific Forest Trust. But because of lobbying by a timber company that owned the land then, Congress opted not to include it as part of the national park.
``By protecting this property we can help fulfill John Muir's original vision, and help restore the values that he recognized were worthy of park protection,'' Wayburn said.
Today, the ranch sits directly to the south of another property, Yosemite West, a collection of privately owned condominiums and vacation rental homes located just outside the park's boundary about five minutes south of the turnoff to the Badger Pass Ski Area.
Under its current zoning, 19 ranchette homes could have been built on the ranch. Such development could have strained water systems, sewage systems and traffic, environmentalists and parks officials worried.
``Protection of this land was one of our highest priorities,'' said Yosemite superintendent Mike Tollefson.
Also, the property links the Sierra National Forest with Yosemite, preserving unbroken habitat for great gray owls, deer, mountain lions and other species.
``For the wildlife that connection is critical,'' Wayburn said. ``Preserving this property also limits development pressure on the park.''
Using only private donations, the Pacific Forest Trust purchased the property from Jim and Bob Ransome, whose grandfather bought it in 1925. Jim Ransome is a Colorado resident; Bob lives in Lodi. Terms were not released, although public records filed with the Mariposa County Assessor's Office indicate the land was sold for about $1.3 million.
``This land and landscape have been in our family for many years,'' said Jim Ransome. ``We have seen the impact of development here, and want to ensure that this special place is protected for generations to come.''
Historic public access, mostly hiking, will continue, Wayburn said. Her organization hopes to thin out the white fir, which grew thick after heavy logging a century ago, as part of restoring the forests to their original ponderosa and sugar pine stands.
The ranch cannot be added to Yosemite park, however, without an act of Congress to adjust park boundaries.
Founded in 1993, the Pacific Forest Trust has preserved 35,000 acres of timberland across Northern California and Oregon.
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Tioga Road、Glacier Point Roadが来春まで閉鎖する可能性が考えられます。
Today: A 70 percent chance of rain and snow. Snow accumulation up to 4 inches. Snow level 7500 feet. Highs at 5000 feet 53 to 63. ..at 8000 feet 37 to 47.
Tonight: Rain likely and snow. Snow accumulation up to 5 inches. Snow level 7000 feet. Lows at 5000 feet 41 to 48. ..at 8000 feet 18 to 28. Chance of rain and snow 80 percent.
Monday: Rain likely and snow. Snow accumulation up to 3 inches. Snow level 6500 feet. Highs at 5000 feet 44 to 54. ..at 8000 feet 28 to 38. Chance of rain and snow 70 percent.
Monday night: Mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of rain and snow. Snow level 6000 feet. Lows at 5000 feet 25 to 35. ..at 8000 feet 18 to 28.
Tuesday: A 60 percent chance of rain and snow. Snow level 6000 feet. Highs at 5000 feet 39 to 49. ..at 8000 feet 23 to 33.
Tuesday night: A 70 percent chance of rain and snow. Lows at 5000 feet 24 to 33. ..at 8000 feet 17 to 26.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy with showers. Highs at 5000 feet 36 to 46. ..at 8000 feet 22 to 31. Chance of showers 30 percent.
SR 120
Porcupine Flatのキャンプ場もクローズとなりました。Tuolumne Meadowsのガスステーションも営業終了したようですので、これでClane Flat-Tioga Pass間はすべてのサービスが終わったことになります。ヨセミテ・ハイカントリーでは冬も間近ですね。
ヴァレーのビジターセンターのシアターで、Lee Stetsonによるジョンミューアの一人芝居などを上演している"The Yosemite Theater"も今シーズンの公演を終了しました。
The Yosemite Theater has completed its season as of Oct 1 (last Friday). We had a great season. Thanks to all who promoted and supported theater! If you see any fliers, posters, or other Theater information around, please recycle it. (J. Miller - 10/04/04)
The Wawona Information Station(兼ウィルダネス許可書オフィス)が10/3で終了。
Tuolumne Meadows Campgroundが営業終了。Crane Flatは10/11まで、Porcupine Flatは10/15までと発表されています。
The Wawona Information Station at Hill's Studio will close for the season on Sunday, Oct. 3 at 4:30 pm. Wilderness Permits will be available via self registration on the front porch of Hill' s Studio 24 hours a day. These permits will only be valid for trails beginning in the Wawona area. Permits for Little Yosemite Valley will not be available from Hill's Studio. Bear canisters can be rented from the nearby Wawona Store. (D. Shenk 09/30/04)
Tuolumne Meadows Campground has closed for the season.
The only remaining campground open along Tioga Road is Porcupine Flat which will close on October 15th.
Crane Flat Campground will close for the season on October 11th. (M.Carter - 10/01/04)
The Half Dome cables are scheduled to be taken down for the season on Wednesday, 10/13.
In the event of inclement weather forecasted (major winter storm) prior to 10/13, the cables will be taken down before the storm reaches Yosemite. This action is necessary for the safety of the crew taking the cables down. (J. Lopez - 9/24/04)
Beginning October 4, 2004 and ending the afternoon of November 10, 2004 a detour will be in effect on the John Muir trail between Happy Isles and the base of Vernal Falls Bridge. This section of trail will be closed for repairs between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday (except Columbus Day). This section of trail will be open to the public during non-working hours. Hikers will be rerouted to the “Horse Trail”, with several informational and instructional signs. (E. Anders - 9/17/04)
White Wolf Campground has closed for the season. (M. Carter - 9/20/04)
明日9/18(土)はNational Public Lands Dayで入園無料になるそうです。
以下は、News Releaseへのリンク。
Bridalveil Creek、Yosemite Creek、Tamarack Flatのキャンプ場が今シーズンの営業を終了しています。
Tamarack Flat campground has closed for the season. (M. Carter - 9/13/04)
Bridalveil Creek and Yosemite Creek Campgrounds have closed for the season. (M. Carter - 9/08/04)
NPSのDairy Reportによると8月2日から、ヨセミテヴァレー内のシャトルバスのバス停の改善工事が始まっているようです。サインやベンチ、日除け屋根や照明などなどの改善がされるようです。工期は120日以内ということですから12月上旬までということですね。
The National Park Service intends to improve ten bus stops (nine existing, one new) along the existing Yosemite Valley Shuttle bus route, including roadway paving,granite curbing, concrete passenger platforms, wooden shelters, site furnishings, lighting, signage, and minor site demolition, grading, drainage and landscaping improvements. Phase 1 shuttle bus stop locations include Sentinel Bridge, Visitors Center (2), Happy Isles and Mirror Lake in Yosemite Valley. On August 2, 2004 Simons Construction will start construction and complete the work within 120 days. Construction equipment will be staging at the Mirror Lake Site beginning Monday, August 2, 2004.
「生中継カメラ2」でリンクしていた"Half Dome Cam"の更新が以前から止まっていましたが、閉鎖された模様です。オーナー(NPS関係者?)の転居のためのようです。
I don't live in Yosemite anymore and the view outside my backdoor is not as breathtaking, therefore there are no pictures to share.
この夏はマリポサグローブで毎週土曜の午前10時からスペイン語によるレンジャープログラムが実施されます。(9月の第1土曜まで) Y.A.のインターンシップによるものです。
Yosemite National Park Offers Interpretive Program for Spanish Speaking Visitors
Yosemite National Park will offer an interpretive walk this summer for Spanish speaking visitors in the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias. Part of the National Park Service mission is to provide education about and enjoyment of the park to its visitors. Yosemite National Park is excited for this outreach opportunity to the Latino community.
Every Saturday morning, from July 17 through Labor Day weekend, the National Park Service will be offering a nature walk in Spanish in the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias. This program will begin at 10:00 a.m., meeting at the Mariposa Grove trailhead at the upper end of the Grove parking area.
This walk will be presented by Mario Dominguez, one of four Yosemite Association student interns working for the National Park Service this summer.
Big Oak Flat エントランスの料金ブースが、
Cash Onlyレーン(たぶん混雑時のみオープン)とそれ以外に分けられていました。
Pass所持車はCash Onlyレーンをさくっと通過できるのでこれは結構効果大かと思います。
All park trails are open except:
All trails leading into Little Yosemite Valley/Half Dome area are closed due to a fire. This includes the John Muir Trail.
All trails leaving the Glacier Point Road east of Bridalveil Creek Campground are closed.
The Panorama Trail from Glacier Point to the top of Nevada Fall is closed..
The Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point is closed.
山火事のため、現時点(Pacific time 7/15午前11時20分)でグレーシャーポイントロードはブライダルベールクリークキャンプ場から閉鎖されています。道路事情アップデートは209/372-0200で入手できます。
Apple社の次期OSであるMacOS X"Tiger"に搭載される強力な検索機能"Spotlight"
昨日サンフランシスコで行われたスティーブ・ジョブスCEOによる基調講演(WWDC2004)でもこの機能のデモがあり、キーワード"Half Dome"を入れるとヨセミテのMapが現れました。ストリーミング放送で見られます。
つい先日、掲示板に登場した少年Climber: Scott君のニュースが、
今朝のSan Jose Mercury新聞にありました。
The sheer granite face of Half Dome towers 4,400 feet over Yosemite Valley
like a dare. Climbers who accept that dare average three days to scale the
steep "Death Slabs'" and ascend Half Dome's Regular Northwest Face, the
route first conquered in 1957. Scott Cory, 14, of Brentwood, bagged it
Thursday. Took him half the day. It was good training. Tagged with
the nickname"Spider Boy'' for his feats on rock, Scott holds claim as
the youngest climber ever to achieve one-day summits of Half Dome and
"The Nose" of El Capitan. Now comes a more grueling challenge.
Later this year, he will attempt to tackle both routes within 24 hours
to become one of 15 people, and by far the youngest, to achieve
the storied "Yosemite Double..." (中略)
On Thursday, Scott ended the Half Dome climb worn out -- not so much
from the seven-hour ascent of the granite wall, but from the seemingly
interminable three-hour hike down.
来年(2005)はHalf Dome初登頂から130年目に当ります。
"The first known non-indigenous man to conquer Half Dome was George
Anderson on Oct. 12, 1875."
ブッシュ政権は$600 million(約600億円)という国立公園の大幅な予算削減を要求している。しかもホワイトハウスはパークサービスにあてた内部メモで国立公園の指導監督者に、予算「削減」という言葉を使わず、財政抑制によるサービスレベルの「調整」と呼ぶよう指示を出している。例えば北東地域の指導監督者は、「公共または政治的論争を作らないよう、できるだけの「調整」をするように」と忠告を受けている。
ブッシュ大統領の2000年の大統領選挙時の誓約「国立公園の復興と更新」とはかけ離れた内容だ。すでに国立公園の予算からはホームランドセキュリティーとしてダムや国境、歴史的場所を護衛するのに$50 millionの追加出費があり、それに当てる追加予算のリクエストは議会に持ち込まれてはいない。
Tuolumne Meadowsのショップ。
ヨセミテヴィレッジの「Degnan's Loft」、「Yosemite Art Center 」
5/28のSan Francisico Chronicle紙によると米国立公園局の2004予算が削減されるのに伴って、各国立公園のビジターセンターの閉館日が増えたり、自然解説プログラム(レンジャープログラム)の数が減少することになるだろうとと伝えています。
National parks cut services for visitors
Watchdogs say jobs, visitor center hours are being reduced
今週末はMemorial Day Weekendですね。暖かい天気で雪解けも早く進んでいるようです。NPSが水の事故防止を呼びかけています。ポピュラーなハイキングコースの「ミストトレイル」ではヴァーナル滝、ネヴァダ滝のほんの近くにまで近寄ることができます。毎年滝への転落事故などが起こっていますので、みなさんも十分気を付けてくださいね。
The park's rivers are full from melting snow pack. However, rivers and creeks are dangerous in the spring. Avoid the cold, swift water and never wade above waterfalls. Enjoy these treasures from a safe distance. (Media Relations - 5/27/04)
The Half Dome Cables are up for the season. (J. Lopez - 5/19/04)
The Half Dome cables are still scheduled to be "put up" this week. Predicted thunderstorms for the middle of the week can possibly result in a delay until a safer time to work on Half Dome. Please advise inquiring parties of the possible delay. (J. Lopez - 5/17/04)
記念式典とか、あるのでしょうか? レポートお待ちしております。
The Big Trees Gift Shop has opened for the season. Current hours of operation are 9 am to 5 pm daily. (S. Baudoux - 5/10/04)
The upper end of the 4 Mile will open is now open for the season. Happy hiking!(J. Lopez - 5/6/04)
Wawonaホテルの敷地内にあるWawona Information Stationが今シーズンの活動を7日金曜日からオープンします。8:30 am から 4:30 pmでランチタイムは休みです。
The Wawona Information Station at Hill's Studio will open for the season Friday, May 7. The station will be open daily 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch).ハ The Wawona Information Station offers information about park activities, trail information, books, maps, wilderness permits, and bear canister rentals. (D. Shenk - 5/5/04)
Yosemite Assiciation 5/3発行のメールニュースでクイズ3問(かなりオタクな内容)が出題されています。メールで応募で賞品あり。締め切りは5/21までです。
4マイルトレイルはヴァレー側の登山口は4/27オープンしたものの、「Union Point」より上はまだ積雪のため閉鎖されているようです。
The lower end of the 4 Mile Trail will open Tuesday April 27th.The trail will only be opened to the new gate below Union Point which remain locked until an assessment of the snow fields above Union Point can be performed. (J. Lopez - 4/27/04)
アワニーホテルで、バイキング形式の朝食がはじまったようです。朝7時から10時半まで。大人$16.95 小人(12歳以下)$8.50。
Ahwahnee Daily Breakfast Buffet
Please be advised that the Ahwahnee Dining Room will begin to serve our Daily Breakfast Buffet from 7am to 10:30am beginning Monday, April 12.ハ The price of our buffet is $16.95 for adults and $8.50 for children 12 and under.ハ We also provide our guests with a limited ala carte menu to choose from.
Lower Pines Campground will open for the season on Friday 3/26.North Pines will open on 4/9.Both campgrounds are on reservations. (M. Carter - 3/29/04)
冬期〜春期(11月〜5月)には道路閉鎖、チェーン規制等も行われます。マイカー、レンタカーでヨセミテ行きを予定の方は公式サイトのConditions Updateやカリフォルニア・ハイウェイ情報などのサイトや天気予報等で十分に情報収集のうえお出かけください。
NPS…National Park Service 国立公園局
YA…Yosemite Association ヨセミテ協会(非営利法人)
YI…Yosemite Institute ヨセミテ自然学校(非営利法人)
YF…Yosemite Fund ヨセミテ基金(非営利法人)
YCS…Yosemite Concession Services ヨセミテ・コンセッション・サービス(ロッジ、売店、ツアー等の独占営業会社)
MLC…Mono Lake Comittee(東シエラのモノレイク湖保全のためのNPO)
TM…Tuolomne Meadows
ヴァレー…Yosemite Valley