(Person's Memorial Lodge,2003.6撮影,西村仁志)
Tuolumne MeadowsのSoda Springs近くに「Parsons Memorial Lodge」という石組みの小屋があります。
現在は夏の期間に行われる講演シリーズ「Parsons Memorial Lodge Summer Series」の会場として使われています。
The National Park Service will once again host the annual Parsons Memorial Lodge Summer Series beginning July 15th with weekend programs through August 26th, Parsons Memorial Lodge Summer Series
The National Park Service will once again host the annual Parsons Memorial Lodge Summer Series beginning July 15th with weekend programs through August 26th, 2007.
The Parsons Summer Series is sponsored by the National Park Service, Yosemite Association, Loralee Tucker Hiramoto Memorial Fund, Friends of Parsons Lodge, Institute for Law and Systems Research, and Poets & Writers, Inc through a grant from the James Irvine Foundation and, though inadvertently omitted from the previous e-news, the Hearst Foundation.
Sunday, July 15
Shaping a Vision for the Wild and Scenic Tuolumne River
Slides, talk, and discussion with Kristina Rylands,
NPS Tuolumne Planning Project Manager
Saturday, July 21
A Brush with Nature: Illustrating the Sierra
Slide presentation by John Muir Laws, naturalist, educator, artist
Sunday, July 22
We added water – have they returned?
Restoring the Riparian Breeding Bird Community at Mono Lake
Slide presentation by Sacha Heath, Eastern Sierra Program
Director, PRBO Conservation Science
Saturday, July 28
Ooolation! Singers
A performance of nature-inspired music by young singers
led by hammer dulcimer player Malcolm Dalglish and singers
Moira Smiley, Naomi Dalglish, and Joshua Kartes
Sunday, July 29
Water and the California Dream
Slide presentation by David Carle, author
Saturday, August 4
The Standing Trees in Tenaya Lake: Their 1000 Year Story
Slide presentation by Edmund Andrews, Hydrologist,
U.S. Geological Survey
An Evening of Stories
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Performance by writer/storyteller Gioia Timpanelli
Sunday, August 5
The Rustic Style in Tuolumne Meadows: Architecture and Landscape Design
Slide presentation by Timothy Babalis, NPS Landscape Historian
Nature Stories and Place: Bringing Natural History,
Old Texts, and Stories Together
3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Workshop with writer/storyteller Gioia Timpanelli
Saturday, August 11
Meltdown: The Rise and Recent Fall of Sierra Nevada Glaciers
Slide presentation by Greg Stock, Park Geologist
Sunday, August 12
Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Talk and discussion with Bill McKibben, author
Saturday and Sunday, August 18 and 19
11th Annual Tuolumne Meadows Poetry Festival
Poets Dorianne Laux, David Mas Masumoto, and Kay Ryan
Musician Shira Kammen, violin and vielle
Saturday, August 25
Time Travelers, Shape Shifters, and Innovators:
The Origin and Evolution of the California Flora
Slide presentation by Erik Westerlund, Ranger Naturalist
Sunday, August 26
Shaping a Vision for the Wild and Scenic Tuolumne River
Slides, talk, and discussion with Kristina Rylands,
NPS Tuolumne Planning Project Manager
All programs, unless otherwise noted, begin at 2:00 p.m. and last approximately one hour. Allow 30 minutes walking time to Parsons Memorial Lodge from either Lembert Dome parking area or the Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center. Admission is free.
Supported by the National Park Service, Yosemite Association, Loralee Tucker Hiramoto Memorial Fund, Friends of Parsons Lodge,Institute for Law and Systems Research, and Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from The JamesIrvine Foundation.
今週末、ヨセミテヴィレッジの Indian Villageで「Yosemite Indian Big Time」という先住民たちによる文化イベントが行われます。
The public is invited to the annual Yosemite Indian Big Time June 16th and 17th at the Indian Village in Yosemite Valley. There will be Indian crafts and traditional cultural activities including games and dancing. This is a special event that few National Parks have the privilege to enjoy. Come celebrate the living American Indian culture. The annual Big Time Gathering: In cooperation with the National Park Service, the maintainance parking area will be used this weekend for the annual Yosemite Indian Big Time Gathering, June 16th & 17th, 2007. A request is to move employee and Gov't vehicles from the parking area by 5:30p.m., Friday, June 15th, 2007 to prepare for this annual event. Thank you. (P. Johnson/J. Simons - 6/12/07)
2007年7月1日(日) (13時開場・13時30分開演/予約不要・参加無料)
スライド上映と講演:Kimi Kodani Hill(Granddaughter of Chiura Obata)
講演会終了後、交流の集いを行います。(要予約:会費1,000円 お茶・お菓子つき)
▼小圃千浦 (おばた・ちうら/1885-1975 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校名誉教授)は戦前からヨセミテをはじめとするカリフォルニアの風景を日本画で描きつづけた画家である。
▼Kimi Kodani Hill(キミ・コダニ・ヒル)千浦の孫、バークレー在住。ヨセミテを描いた画集"Obata's Yosemite"の発刊に尽力し、そして戦時下の収容所生活時代を伝える "Topaz Moon" を自ら著して、千浦の辿った足跡を伝えつづけている。またヨセミテ国立公園をサポートするNPOであるYosemite Associationの理事をつとめている。
問い合わせ:同志社大学西村研究室/TEL&FAX:075-251-4906 E-mail:whitewolf@mail.doshisha.ac.jp
3月26日(月)19:30〜 パタゴニア鎌倉ストア
もしも…から始まる冒険 〜一歩踏み出してみる勇気と、そこから見えてくるコト〜
■スピーカー:斉藤 菜々絵氏(スノーボーダ−)
お問合せ・ご予約 パタゴニア 鎌倉
今週末から来週末にかけて、アースデイとNational Park Weekのさまざまなイブニングプログラムがおこなわれるようです。音楽、Lee Stetsonの一人芝居、David Browerのフィルムなどです。
Please join us for special evening programs for Earth Day and National Park Week.
Friday, April 21
Special Earth Day Eve Family Program: music and fun with Adam Burns and friends
7:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Saturday, April 22
Lee Stetson, Actor: “An Earth Day Visit with John Muir”
8:00 Visitor Center Theater (shuttle stops 5 and 9)
“Food, Farming and the Wild” Jo Ann Baumgartner, Wild Farm Alliance, and Sam Earnshaw, Community Alliance with Family Farmers
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Sunday, April 23
“The State of the Park” Kevin Cann, NPS Deputy Superintendent
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Monday, April 24
“Primeval Ponderings, a Meander Through Wilderness” Ken Watson, NPS Wilderness Ranger
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Tuesday, April 25
“Frogs, Fish and Fungus” Lara Rachowicz, NPS Wildlife Biologist
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Wednesday, April 26
“Clues to the Past” Erin Purtell, NPS Archeologist
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Thursday, April 27
“A Hundred Years at Mesa Verde”, Pete Devine Yosemite Association
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Friday, April 28
“The Lorax”, a delightful live presentation by Park Interpreters
8:00 Yosemite Lodge Amphitheater
Saturday, April 29
“Monumental” An 80-minute film about David Brower
6:00 and 7:30 Visitor Center Theater (shuttle stops 5 and 9)
--Your parks, your planet; take care of your place.-- (J. Miller - 4/20/06)
YA主催の「Yosemite Birding Festival」が6/3-5の日程で開催されます。
Dates: June 3 (eve) - 5, 2005
Location: El Portal, California, will be headquarters, with field trips to locations throughout the park including Yosemite Valley, Foresta, Crane Flat, and more.
Basic Fee: $130 (YA Members Price: $110.50)
- Wednesday, March 23 - 7:00 PM - West Auditorium
50-60'sヨセミテ・クライミングの黎明期に活躍したクライマーのトム・フロストによるトークイベントが3/23夜にヴァレー・ビジターセンターのWest Auditoriumで行われます。
Tom Frost will present a talk at 7:00 PM in the West Auditorium. Tom Frost is a major climbing figure from the 50s and 60s, contributed to gear design and climbing philosophy, helped Yvon Chouinard set up Patagonia, is in the Vertical Frontiers movie, is a well known American Alpine Club member, and worked with the Service to nominate Camp 4 to the National Register. Everyone is welcome. (P. Chattey - 3/18/05)
NPSが"Yosemite Forum 2005"のゲストスピーカーとスケジュールを発表していました。
「YOSEMITE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE」はThe Yosemite Association(Y.A.)が主催する自然体験セミナーです。
以前は「Field Seminar」の名前で開催されていましたが、昨年から名前が変わりました。
ヴァレー・ビジターセンターの隣、「ヨセミテ・ミュージアム」で全米58ヶ所の国立公園の写真展"Experience Your America"が開催されます。
Photography Exhibit at Yosemite National Park
Includes All 58 National Parks
Dramatic New Exhibit Opening Sunday, October 17, 1:00 pm
A unique and stunning new photography exhibit, Experience Your America, will open for public viewing on Sunday, October 17, at the Yosemite Museum in Yosemite Valley, next to the visitor center. The public is invited to the exhibit's opening from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm. Stan Jorstad, the photographer will attend the opening and will be available to sign the companion book to the exhibit, These Rare Lands. Admission to the event is free and light refreshments will be served.
Experience Your America will be open through December of this year. This exhibit is the first time all current "National Parks" are on display in one place. From Yosemite to Congaree to American Samoa, the collection of 58 40" panoramic-format photographs of each of our National Parks are all the result of sixty years of Stan Jorstad's camera work, rare vision, and sensitivity to light.
The exhibit was made possible by a generous donation from The Yosemite Fund, the fund-raising organization for the park. The opening and reception are sponsored by the Yosemite Association. Other contributors to this unique photo exhibit are Tru-Vue museum-quality glass, the Mountain Institute, and the National Park Service. (-NPS-)